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Asking “How do you feel?” is a typical way we try to help clients expand their internal awareness. But unfortunately, it’s often a dead-end, and many therapists don’t know how to follow up. In this masterclass, you’ll learn powerful techniques to help clients accelerate the internal discovery process so they can gain additional resources to tackle the problems bringing them to therapy.
Topics: Existential-Humanistic, Beginning Therapists, Intellectualizing, Advanced Clinical Skills, Clinical Efficacy, Victor Yalom
Is it possible to get the diagnostic data you need during the first session in a way that leaves clients feeling like they want to come back for a second session? This video takes a close look at how the DSM-5-TR and the diagnostic process can be used to improve mental healthcare. Through step-by-step clinical demonstrations, you’ll develop client-oriented diagnostic interviewing skills that lay the foundation for a strong therapeutic alliance and successful course of treatment.
Topics: Addiction, Alcoholism, Anxiety, Beginning Therapists, Depression, Inpatient Clients, Personality Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Eating Disorders, Assessment, Treatment Planning, Severe Mental Illness
How can you bring yourself to the room more fully as a person, offering more than just empathy? Discover how to become an active participant in the process of moving clients beyond the limits of their worlds as they know them. Using a Contemporary Narrative Therapy approach, you can help clients trace the profound impact of systemic racism, and redefine not just their own stories, but the limits they have set for themselves.
Topics: Multicultural/Diversity, Narrative Therapy, Beginning Therapists, Asian American, Advanced Clinical Skills, Online or Distance Therapy, Clinical Efficacy, Travis Heath
One of the greatest challenges to working with grieving clients is helping to free them from the pain of the “event story,” or the circumstances and details of their loved one’s death — especially when the loss is traumatic. In this video, the second in a four-volume series, clinicians will learn to skillfully and compassionately help grieving clients gain some therapeutic distance from the event story of their loss through the process of restorative re-telling.
Topics: Family Systems, Integrative, Narrative Therapy, Death and Dying, Grief/Loss, Trauma/PTSD
What can psychotherapists and counselors do to help clients relieve their suffering by accessing the healing power of their bodies? Learn how, regardless of your therapeutic orientation, to help clients tap into the wellspring of their body’s energy by watching renowned clinician and researcher, Peter Levine, demonstrate his groundbreaking methods.
Topics: Body-Oriented, Beginning Therapists, Trauma/PTSD, Military/Veterans, Peter Levine, Advanced Clinical Skills, Therapy & Technology
How can you work effectively with couples who have grown emotionally disconnected from each other, particularly in the face of complex issues such as illness and the specter of loss? Discover a simple framework that you can start using immediately in your practice, regardless of your approach, to guide couples through challenging sessions so they may experience each other in positive, growth-enhancing ways.
Topics: Couples Therapy, Family Systems, Multicultural/Diversity, Grief/Loss, African American, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Mens Issues
How can you work effectively with a young client who is no longer a child but not yet a teenager, especially when complex issues of sexuality and race arise? Learn how to build effective therapeutic alliances with your adolescent clients that will create a safe space for exploration, insight, and growth.
Topics: Child Therapy, Multicultural/Diversity, Person-Centered, Sexuality/Gender, Adolescents, African American, Children, LGBT, Sam Steen
Simply learning the theories of child development and therapy does not make us better or even more effective child therapists. Watch and learn from a talented trio of child clinicians as they demonstrate 10 playful, creative and interactive techniques for connecting with children and helping them cope with sadness, anger, anxiety and trauma.
Topics: Child Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT), Children, Play Therapy
The suicidal client is perhaps the single greatest clinical and ethical challenge for even the most seasoned mental health professional. In this, the first of a compelling three-volume series, John Sommers-Flanagan artfully teaches through live clinical demonstration how to effectively and collaboratively assess and intervene when sitting face-to-face with suicidal clients. In this video he works with a divorced mother suffering from depression, and a 22-year-old college student and veteran of the Iraq war who is struggling with family issues and alcohol use.
Topics: Suicidality, Assessment, John Sommers-Flanagan
Learn from seasoned family therapist Monica McGoldrick how bringing family-of-origin issues into couples therapy can help you pinpoint the root of the problem, make more targeted interventions, and ultimately “unstick” a couple struggling with insecurity and distrust.
Topics: Couples Therapy, Family Systems, Couples, Monica McGoldrick
Watch Irvin Yalom work with Eugenia, a 23-year-old struggling with a sudden crippling existential panic, over the course of 9 deeply moving sessions.
Topics: Existential-Humanistic, Irvin Yalom, Advanced Clinical Skills
Learn how to apply Motivational Interviewing principles to resistant adolescent clients and how to support and empower them to change their destructive behaviors.
Topics: Motivational Interviewing, Adolescents, Evidence-Based
What can you do when you run into the inevitable obstacles of couples work? In the final volume of our EFT series with Rebecca Jorgensen, get expert advice and practical tools for dealing with common challenges in couples therapy.
Topics: Couples Therapy, Relationships, Couples, Sue Johnson, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Rebecca Jorgensen
How can you stay centered while supporting clients through periods of extreme reactivity and self-harm? In this video with Drs. Shelley McMain and Carmen Wiebe, learn to apply key tools from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to work with emotional dysregulation.
Topics: Suicidality, Evidence-Based, Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Group therapy is a powerful and widely used modality in recovery programs, but too often group leaders lack a coherent and effective clinical framework. This video program will show you how to harness the interpersonal power of groups to work successfully with clients struggling with addictions.
Topics: Group Therapy, Addiction, Alcoholism, Advanced Clinical Skills
What is “mindfulness” and how can we actually use it with our clients? Understand the principles of mindfulness-oriented psychotherapy and its application for a range of clinical issues in this new video with mindfulness expert Dr. Ronald D. Siegel.
Topics: Existential-Humanistic, Integrative, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Grief/Loss, Asian American, Advanced Clinical Skills, Mindfulness, Evidence-Based
Severe OCD can seem hopelessly intractable, especially when a client has invested significant time in past therapy. Here, anxiety disorder expert Reid Wilson employs a variation of cognitive and strategic methods in two live sessions, demonstrating his paradoxical approach to tackling obsessive thinking.
Topics: Brief Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT), Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Advanced Clinical Skills, Self-Help, Reid Wilson, Evidence-Based
In this fourth video of the ACT in Action series, you’ll learn about the mindfulness components of ACT.
Topics: Brief Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT), Mindfulness, Evidence-Based, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Steven Hayes
Learn Motivational Interviewing's tools and techniques for helping clients fully explore their ambivalence as a critical part of the change process.
Topics: Motivational Interviewing, Healthcare / Medical, Evidence-Based, Cathy Cole
Therapists know how difficult it can be to help clients heal from trauma, especially when using traditional cognitive or insight-oriented approaches. Learn powerful techniques for treating trauma from Peter Levine, developer of Somatic Experiencing®, as he demonstrates his body-oriented trauma therapy with an Iraq War veteran diagnosed with severe PTSD.
Topics: Body-Oriented, Healthcare / Medical, Trauma/PTSD, Military/Veterans, Peter Levine, Advanced Clinical Skills